The "Callan College" - Introduction to Investments (Virtual)
Registration is open! 

"Callan College" - Introduction to Investments Registration

To register for this session, complete the registration form below and click on the SUBMIT button. At a later date, you will receive an official confirmation email along with an invoice from the "Callan College" as proof of your session registration. 

Tuition for the “Callan College” - Introduction to Investments virtual session is $950 per person. Tuition will be invoiced four to six weeks before the event date.

Please use the attendee's email address when registering.  Thank you!

We must inform investment managers that registrations for “Callan College” sessions do not entitle the registered managers to any preferential treatment in the services conducted by Callan; such manager relationships do not affect the outcome or process by which any of Callan's services are conducted.